Get ready for a savage rematch! Wolverine made his Marvel debut back in Incredible Hulk #181. The Green Goliath and feral mutant have crossed paths over the years.
Frank Cho unleashes the beasts in Savage Wolverine #5. So far Logan has been speared by Shanna the She-Devil in his Savage Land exploits but this May the Hulk smashes his way into the X-Man’s adventure.
“Frank’s art and storytelling set this fight apart more than anything else. This was one of the first sequences he wrote when we were first talking about the issue, so there are some specific moments he’s thought out that I think fans are going to love,” said editor Jeanine Schaefer on Marvel.com.
“Honestly, working with Frank is such a blast. He has a total vision of what he wants the book to look and feel like, and I’ve loved researching his influences, both the old pulps and Marvel comics from the 70’s and 80’s, to help create the total package.”
Schaefer says Man-Thing and Amadeus Cho will turn up as the Savage Land storyline continues.
By Editor