Mark Waid talks about his upcoming relaunch of the Hulk at New York Comic Con. Indestructible Hulk finds Bruce Banner working with SHIELD and finding a way to channel the smashing power of the Hulk.
Waid says the green goliath was his favorite character in The Avengers movie.
“I can watch the Hulk ragdoll Loki all day.”
The new take on Hulk is similar to how he evolved on the big screen. Hulk isn’t just smashing randomly but being directed.
“As Hulk destroys, Banner builds.”
With Banner back in control a fan asked how vocal the Hulk will be.
“We don’t want Cookie Monster Hulk but we don’t want super eloquent Hulk. Put it this way, he doesn’t speak aloud a lot. …He hits with his words as hard as he hits with his fits.”
Leinil Francis Yu is the artist on Indestructible Hulk smashing into stores next month.
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