Why GeekGirlCon you may ask?
Not only is it an incredible gathering for all lovers of comics, gaming, sci-fi and cosplay but you will learn and be inspired it.
Today it really hit home why we need this open, inclusive environment for geeks of all types, genders, backgrounds.
Cons are wonderful to connect in person with fellow fans you chat with online. An awesome geek with just as much passion for comics as I were talking and she shared an experience that really made me think.
I want to protect her identity and the venue but I think it’s important to share this. My friend was searching for a collection of the Stephanie Brown as Batgirl issues and the “dudes” behind the counter scoffed and belittled her but it wasn’t over the Stephanie vs. Barbara debate…it was because she was a woman asking for the collection. Searching for your favorite comics should never be a negative experience for anyone.
If I (a six foot three guy) had asked the same question how would I be treated by those guys? (For the record I’m a Barbara Gordon fan but I’m intrigued to see Stephanie return to The New 52.)
The fact is my friend is a geek who knows her comics and she’s a potential customer so she shouldn’t be treated different. I always enjoyed GeekGirlCon but now I really understand the mission of having a safe, inclusive place for all geeks to share their passion, knowledge and love of comics, gaming and all sci-fi genres.
Every geek has “cred” regardless of sex, age, race, orientation or abilities and needs to be welcome at every shop, con, message board and forum. The more of us the better. GeekGirlCon is good for all geekdom.
Stay tuned for photos and coverage of GeekGirlCon 2013 in Seattle.
Big thanks to the nerdistas behind HaveYouNerd.com for a fun, insightful and empowering panel today!
(Photo note: The cosplayers in this photo are not connected to the story here. These are just awesome cosplayers showing their Avengers love at GeekGirlCon! Assemble!)
By Editor