As we count down to the release of The Dark Knight Rises Christopher Nolan made a big revelation about how his Batman Trilogy could have been very different. According to The Playlist Nolan said Heath Ledger was one of many actors he interviewed for the role of Bruce Wayne for Batman Begins.
“He was quite gracious about it, but he said, ‘I would never take a part in a superhero film.’ ” Nolan said. The filmmaker said he thinks Ledger changed his mind eventually because, “I explained to him what I wanted to do with ‘Batman Begins’ and I think maybe he felt I achieved it.”
The story goes on to report that because of Batman Begins Ledger signed on the play the Joker in The Dark Knight without a completed script. Nolan gave his star A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and books on the paintings of Francis Bacon to prepare for the role of the Joker.
For more of the story here’s The Playlist link.
I have always believed what makes Christian Bale so good as Bruce Wayne is that he would also be perfect as the Joker. If you saw Bale in his pre Batman Begins roles in American Psycho, The Machinist and Reign of Fire (even the Shaft remake) you could see the man knows how to tap into rage and madness.
The Dark Knight Rises is out on blu-ray/dvd next week.
By Editor