HE-MAN Gets a New Look!

courtesy DC Comics
courtesy DC Comics

He-Man is getting a new look! Less skin is in!

Fan-favorite writer Keith Giffen and artists Pop Mahn just launched a brand new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe ongoing series! Now DC Comics is sharing the new design for He-Man coming in July’s issue four.

“In the epic war against the forces of Hordak ripping through the pages of the current series, He-Man must don the sacred armor of his ancestors.”

What do you think of He-Man’s new look – does it say “by the power of Grayskull!!!!!” to you?

By Editor


Not at all – good of you to provide a forum and invite comment like this.

I’m sure He-Man will indeed survive – but that will be thanks to his past exploits (the two cartoon series and the comics – especially the Image/MYP series of ten years back) and not AT ALL due to these recent DC disasters.

It’s hard to imagine anything more damaging to the concept, frankly – and that is a very real shame. It will end pretty soon – but it will probably take with it any chance of another MotU comic revival for a good many years to come.

And that saddens me; it really does.


So He-Man also falls victim to the DC comic superhero directive; not a surprise – these comics are simply dreadful in pretty well every single respect. No wonder that they are doing so poorly with the punters that they need to keep changing the look every other issue. Now it’s pure DC-generic-standard-issue-sub-superhero in – yes – TIGHTS.

How – new – and wonderfully imaginative.

The only reason that the series will last to the end of the planned 12 (VERY short) comics is ‘cos they’ve taken subs off the trusting fans who were hoping to see a decent MotU comic again. A completely vain hope; DC have done everything wrong here – and it shows in the rancid reviews and dismal sales figures.

They should have learned from the Image comics of 2002 – which were infinitely better written, plotted, drawn etc. etc. than this current rubbish. These amatuerish efforts don’t please existing fans or avid comic readers.

And will a third (yes – that’s three – in about as many issues) look for He-Man save this series from hitting the looming iceberg? Somehow, I doubt it….

Will Power

Hey thanks for your comment. Here’s hoping He-Man can survive! I appreciate you coming by the blog and sharing your feedback. Image comebacks like Glory and Prophet were good examples. Thanks again