Uncanny Avengers #18 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #18 courtesy Marvel

Avengers and X-Men: AXIS begins this week. Alex Summers could be a pivotal hero in the war against the new Onslaught.


Rick Remender took Havok from back burner X-Man to leader of the Avengers Unity Squad two years ago in Uncanny Avengers. Now Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom are united against the power of the Red Skull.


Alex and Janet Van Dyne shared a love and a daughter in an alternate world that was sacrificed to defeat Kang the Conqueror and reset reality. Will that loss lead to Havok joining the Red Skull? In an earlier AXIS teaser it seemed the villain was making a direct appeal to Alex.


“Havok has finally succeeded in unifying the X-Men and the Avengers and finding common ground, but it’s too late,” Remender told Marvel.com. “Their inability to come together and to quit the petulant squabbling and to unify has left them quite a bit vulnerable to the Red Skull, and he is exploiting that. So Alex has been put in a situation of finally leading a team and succeeding through the events of ‘Avenge the Earth,’ and showing them all the drastic consequences if they are not to unite and work together, but he must now suffer the punishment of it not happening quite soon enough.”


AXIS #4 courtesy Marvel
AXIS #4 courtesy Marvel

From upcoming issues of the event it looks like Alex is side by side again with his brother Cyclops but how fans believe what’s real with a telepathic Red Skull manipulating everyone?


Avengers and X-Men: AXIS #1  arrives tomorrow.


By Editor