Batman/Superman #1 hits comic book shops today! DC Comics announced the team-up book’s writer Greg Pak is taking over writing Action Comics.
Batman/Superman reveals the first meeting between the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight in The New 52 era:
“They’re figuring out what it is they’re doing, who they are and what kind of methods they’re going to use,” Pak tells USA Today. “They’re testing their ethical limits and boundaries, and it’s just a huge opportunity for great drama and conflict. That whole package is a blast.”
Pak goes on to share his plans for Superman when he takes over Action Comics #25 with artist Aaron Kuder.

“The book is called Action. So we want to have big action. And it’s Superman!…Basically, I’ve fallen in love with this character all over again,” Pak said. “In fact, the first comic book I ever drew as a kid was a Superman thing. I was doing Superman fan fiction when I was 6 years old.
“For young children, Superman is your first introduction to superheroes and you love him. But as I’ve gotten older, I realized how resonant the whole story of Superman is and how his struggles actually reverberate with people at every age.”
Batman/Superman #1 arrives today. Action Comics #25 hits this Fall.
This man wrote Planet Hulk so I’ll try anything Pak writes – even the phone book!
By Editor