The Emerald twilight is coming! Geoff Johns and Doug Manke will conclude what should rightfully be hailed as the modern Green Lantern Saga with a huge 64-page Green Lantern #20 this May. It all began with Green Lantern: Rebirth #1.
When you think of iconic creator/character marriages that made comic book history you must include Geoff Johns and Green Lantern!
Here’s what Johns said about the conclusion on The Source:
As every storyline is coming to a head, it feels like the right time. The book is still doing great. The characters are as vibrant as ever. Let’s go out how we started – on a high note.
Counting up between the GREEN LANTERN monthly series, REBIRTH, BLACKEST NIGHT and the various one-shots and specials…that makes over 100 issues of GREEN LANTERN I’ve had the absolute privilege, pleasure and fortune to write.
I’m obviously ending my run with a little sadness because I love these characters, every single one of them. But I’m walking away feeling very proud of what we’ve done and very grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with so many fellow creators. It’s that collaboration, and every reader out there, who have made this a truly special experience. It’s hard to imagine a GREEN LANTERN universe without characters like Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Saint Walker, the Indigo Tribe or the rest of the gang anymore. And I can’t count how many Lantern t-shirts of all colors I continue to see.
It was Dan DiDio and Peter Tomasi who I first spoke with about GREEN LANTERN. Dan was the Executive Editor of DC Comics at the time and Pete my editor on JSA. They both wanted to relaunch GREEN LANTERN. My very first proposal that I could find dates back to September 2nd, 2003 meaning I’ve been working on GREEN LANTERN for nearly ten years in some way or another. I’ll never forget Dan telling me his idea for the title, “Rebirth,” he said.
Through BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY, literally, Peter Tomasi has always been there. From the incredibly long conversations and debate on REBIRTH to later writing GREEN LANTERN CORPS beginning with the conclusion of SINESTRO CORPS and up until today, Pete has been my creative partner in crime and what GREEN LANTERN grew into would not have happened without him.
And, of course, look at the amazing artists I worked with: Ethan Van Sciver, your mad genius was key to everything we expanded the universe into – the endless energy you have for creation is unmatched. Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, you brought a scope only you two could deliver culminating with BLACKEST NIGHT – and you’re showing the world what JUSTICE LEAGUE should be. And Doug Mahnke…he’s the current superstar I work with every month on GREEN LANTERN and have for years now. Doug, you’re one of the most amazing and unique artists in the business. Your power, grit and sense of wonder can be seen at its very best in the gatefold cover for GREEN LANTERN #20.
I’m fortunate enough to continue working with Doug as we head over to a new project later this year.
We all owe a debt to Julius Schwartz, John Broome and Gil Kane for creating such an incredible foundation to build on with Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. Without them, there would be no Green Lantern.
So what will GREEN LANTERN #20 bring? The bizarre return of Hal Jordan, the final fate of Sinestro, the revelation of the First Lantern and an ending that I hope pays off everything we’ve ever done and ever created with GREEN LANTERN. It has art by Doug Mahnke, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis and Joe Prado and I’ve poured everything I can into the script.
I’m off to focus my energy on the JUSTICE LEAGUE universe as we head into what I hope is an exciting plan – Simon Baz and B’dg will be along for the ride in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA – and you’ll no doubt see Hal Jordan and some of the other Lanterns in the world of the Justice League before too long. And Sinestro…? You’ll have to read GREEN LANTERN #20 for that…
Thank you again for reading – whether you started with REBIRTH or started this month – I sincerely appreciate your time and imagination.
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night –
All Will Be Well,
I can remember at Emerald City Comicon seeing the huge lines of GL fans waiting to meet Geoff, some even dressed as their favorite member of the GL Corps. The rebirth and redemption of Hal Jordan means a lot to many fans.
The big question: Who will take over Green Lantern?
By Editor