Gail Simone Launches THE MOVEMENT

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

The super powered disenfranchised are rising up in a brand new DC Comics book! Gail Simone (Batgirl) and Freddie Williams III are launching The Movement this week.

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

Simone teased the roster of the book including a new character she introduced in The New 52 Batgirl run.

“It’s mostly new characters, but a couple might have subtle ties to the DCU at large,” Simone told Comic Book Resources. “I am absolutely in love with the core cast, I think they’re fresh and thrilling and unlike the characters in any other comic. That said, sharp-eyed readers have already spotted two familiar characters; Katharsis, the brutal avenger from the popular Knightfall arc in BATGIRL, and Tremor, a wonderful badass character who appeared in the pre-[New] 52 SECRET SIX. It’s a cast of favorites for me; I haven’t had this much fun with a cast since the Secret Six!”

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

Here’s how DC describes the book:

“We are faceless. We are limitless. We see all. And we do not forgive.

Who defends the powerless against the GREEDY and the CORRUPT? Who protects the homeless and poverty-stricken from those who would PREY upon them in the DARK OF NIGHT?

When those who are sworn to protect us abuse their power, when toxic government calls down super-human lackeys to force order upon the populace…finally, there is a force, a citizen’s army, to push order BACK.

Let those who abuse the system know this as well: We have our OWN super humans now. They are not afraid of your badges or Leagues. And they will not be SILENCED.

We are your neighbors. We are your co-workers. And we are your children.”

The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics

The Movement begins this Wednesday.

The Green Team is DC’s other politically-themed book coming soon.

By Editor

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