I’m surprised and sad that Gail Simone is off Batgirl. I picked up the book because I love Simone’s writing and I will always love Barbara Gordon. I stayed because it was thrilling and equally moving.
The New 52 Barbara wasn’t just a hero because she wore a cape and mask. Barbara was a survivor.
During her Batgirl run Simone created strong rogues for Barbara. These new villains were dark reflections of DC’s iconic heroes. Bruce Wayne could have turned into Knightfall. These rogues were like Barbara but she took a different path and fought to overcome the trauma instead of being identified with it.
I was honored to listen to Gail Simone at this year’s GeekGirlCon in Seattle where she thanked and empowered her fans. Simone is a source of creativity and inspiration – and she’s a riot on Twitter!
I would love to see Gail snapped up by a rival (or even better) get her own creator owned series at Image. If Gail writes it – I will try it!
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