As a huge fan of Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy run, Christos Gage had big shoes to fill, especially when it comes to writing Rogue. I’m thrilled to say that I’m really enjoying his initial issues. I wanted to share some highlights of Gage’s interview with Comic Book Resources.
I really like his take on why choosing between Cyclops and Wolverine (after Schism) was difficult for Rogue and why she’s so comfortable with new role at the Jean Grey School.
“I think Rogue’s struggle with the Schism wasn’t so much over what side to choose but rather the fact that it was happening at all. It hurt her to see two men she liked and respected so much in Cyclops and Wolverine disagreeing so strongly, and to see the X-Men divided. It was especially tough on her to leave Magneto in the early stages of their burgeoning yet largely undefined relationship, before she’d had a chance to sort out her feelings about him.

That said, I think she was always going to go to the Grey School. She had been working with the X-Men’s younger kids for a long time, and I think it gave her a feeling of doing something positive while at the same time giving kids in situations similar to hers when she was young — often confused and scared by their powers — opportunities she never had. It’s good for her and it’s good for the kids. I think she feels better about her role in the world — what she’s doing with her life — than maybe she ever has.”
X-Men Legacy #262 arrives February 22nd with a stunning Mark Brooks cover.