Fourth Realm Trilogy on the Big Screen

  I’m fanatical about the Fourth Realm Trilogy by John Twelve Hawkes. I’m excited to share the news that Warner Brothers has optioned film rights for the series according to Deadline.

 Here’s the story: The Tabula seek to control and manage society for its own protection with a vast network of surveillance tools and cameras. The Travelers are seen as a threat because they can project their spirit into other realms. The Harlequins are weapons experts trained to protect the Travelers at any cost.

 In the near future the Tabula has hunted the Travelers to extinction and are close to creating their perfectly controlled society. Two brothers are identified as possible Travelers and the hunt begins. A young Harlequin named Maya vows to protect them. The Tabula unleash their assassins to wipe them out.

 The first book is The Traveler followed by The Dark River then The Golden City.

 “I’m so pleased that the trilogy is at Warner Bros, a studio whose history of otherworldly storytelling is so indelible and whose vision for the Fourth Realm Trilogy is so inspiring,” the author said in a statement.

The author of this series is a mystery man by “living off the grid” meaning he’s invisible to any network of surveillance or authority. John Twelves Hawks is not his real name and he has no home, bank account or internet connection.

If you like 1984 or The Matrix then you would enjoy these thrilling and thought provoking books. I think this trilogy would make a graphic novel series for a publisher like Vertigo. I can’t wait to update on casting!

Here are the Amazon links to The Traveler, The Dark River and The Golden City if you want to check them out.

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