The world thinks the Justice League is dead.
The Crime Syndicate (an evil version of the League from another Earth) has invaded and rules the world.
Ultraman (their evil Superman) plunged the planet into complete darkness.
Nightwing has been unmasked.
Criminals are running wild.
The only hope…Lex Luthor?
The first act of Forever Evil is three issues of shock and awe. It’s a bleak story but writer Geoff Johns tells Comic Book Resources but it’s not all dark…there’s plenty of dark humor ahead:

“There’s a lot of fun to be had between Lex and Bizarro. There’s fun to be had between Batman and Catwoman, and when those characters collide. Some of the Syndicate members, as twisted as they are, they’ve been fun to write. Power Ring — trying to conceive a character that was everything that Green Lantern usually wasn’t, and amplifying that. There’s a mythology with his ring that we’re going to dive into that explores a very different look at what a Green Lantern could be — if it’s somebody that’s based on a weak will, and a weak sense of self. We see that with Power Ring and how he’s behaving, and we’ll see more of that as we reveal more about him, and the source of the ring.”
Luthor is leading a squad of Black Manta, Captain Cold and Bizarro against the Crime Syndicate. Johns explains how this supergroup came together:

“They’re some of the very top villains of DC Comics. The goal for the story is, “How do you get us to root for the bad guys?” One of the lines I have that’s carried me through this is, “evil is relative.” I have a very strong belief that the characters are much more complex than the card they’re given, and the villains in particular. I’ve always really particularly enjoyed exploring villains of the DC Universe, because they are understandable. And the best kinds of villains obviously are relatable on a level that sometimes we don’t like to admit, but we enjoy tapping into. Particularly when it comes to Captain Cold, who has a very working class ethic, gets the job done, and is very loyal to the people he’s with. He’s very humble; he doesn’t have an ego like someone like the Joker would have. His aspirations are very grounded, and he has a very different viewpoint on the world.”
Forever Evil continues in issues 4-7 coming soon.
By Editor