Geoff Johns and David Finch are building up to a war between super villains in Forever Evil. The Crime Syndicate invaded our world, destroyed the Justice League, tortured and unmasked Nightwing and rallied DC’s bad guys into an army.
In Forever Evil #2 one team dares to take on the new authority on Earth and it doesn’t look hopeful from this cover. Johns tells BuzzFeed what to expect in the next chapter.
“In issue number two we’ll delve a little more into the Crime Syndicate as a group and individually, so we’ll get to know Ultra Man, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, and the others. Each one of them has a very different opinion on what they should be doing here on earth. We’ll reveal a little bit more about why they’re here and why they left their earth, and we’ll also start to unpeel another story.”
Forever Evil #2 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor