It’s a Firefly reunion tonight! Adam Baldwin will reunite on-screen with this former Serenity Captain, Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion) on ABC’s Castle for the first time in 8 years. TV Guide says don’t expect the on-screen relationship to be just like it was on Firefly and the movie Serenity.
Baldwin plays Detective Ethan Slaughter, a gang unit officer. Is Baldwin playing a good guy, bad guy or just “aims to misbehave” to quote Mal!
I just love the Browncoats (if you’re not Firefly savvy, these were the good guys in a future war) and now fans gear up in the uniforms and call themselves Browncoats. The fans are a welcome addition to cons everywhere.
I just saw Adam Baldwin and Summer Glau recently at Emerald City Comicon and fans of the series (has it really been 10 years?) are still devoted to the cast of the Joss Whedon created show.
It’s cool to see the cast members still have a bond too.