New mission and new look for a classic heroine in spectacular summer for fans of the women of Marvel!
X-Men starring an all-female squad by Brian Wood and Olivier Coipel launched to critical and fan acclaim. Captain Marvel starred in a stunning crossover with Avengers Assemble by Kelly Sue DeConnick. The all-female heroes of Fearless Defenders by Cullen Bunn may not have inspired as much hype as X-Men but it’s definitely a book you should try out.
Valkyrie assembled Earth’s Mightiest Women into Asgard’s new Shieldmaidens. Cullen Bunn writes action and humor packed storylines as Val, Misty Knight and Dani Moonstar raced across the globe in search of ancient relics while fighting Viking zombies and Doom Maidens and a wicked new villainess.
This week Fearless Defenders #8 starts a brand new arc. Valkyrie has a new costume and status quo after a brilliant twist in first arc. Misty Knight is the other co-lead of this book with a “Lethal Weapon” style odd couple chemistry that works. The uneasy alliance will be tested even more now that Misty’s friend was murdered by a possessed Valkyrie and is now bonded to her thanks to some Asgardian magic.
“Val’s going to do some things that she will come to regret a great deal and her actions will change her as a character from that day forward,” writer Cullen Bunn told Marvel.com.
Misty Knight kicked ass in Valkyrie’s world of mystical warriors and ancient evil now it’s time to see how Val can handle Misty’s. Marvel is teasing that Elsa Bloodstone will guest star. (Can you hear the cheers of Nextwave fans?)
It’s a perfect “jumping-on” point as the publisher’s say! If you loved the all-female X-team then try out Valkyrie, Misty and company because Fearless Defenders is a fun joyride to hop on!
By Editor