Peter Parker is back in Amazing Spider-Man #1 but his comeback is just the beginning as Marvel unveils Spider-verse featuring the return of a major villain.
The mystery behind the “Every Single One” teaser was revealed in a Marvel Liveblog with writer Dan Slott (just back from his visit to the set of Doctor Who) and new Spider-Man Group Editor Nick Lowe.
Every hero from every timeline and dimension who’s worn the webhead will be part of this major event. Dan Slott and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli will preview the story in this year’s Free Comic Book Day issue from Marvel.
Spider-Verse will feature EVERY Spider-Man from EVERY universe in a special story by Dan Slott and Olivier Coipel in Amazing Spider-Man and spinning into other books this November.
Here are highlights from Spidey writer Slott and editor Lowe. You can feel Slott’s humor and excitement for the hero he’s taking to death and back and the next chapter packed with history for every Spidey fan:
Who’s in Spider-Verse:
“This is EVERY Spider-Man EVER teaming up. Or fighting. Some won’t get along. It’s a Spider-Man story on a scale we’ve never seen before. It’s epic in scope.” – Dan Slott
“EVERY Spider-Man EVER wasn’t enough! We’re bringing in new ones you haven’t seen before!” – Dan Slott
“We haven’t seen the villain of Spider-Verse in awhile, but whenever he shows up, you know you’re guaranteed a slobberknocker of epic proportions. There’s something about this character that we don’t know yet, and it threatens the existence of all Spider-Men everywhere.” – Dan Slott
“We’ve got Bullet Points Spider-Man, some What If? Spider-Men, a certain Miles Morales…Spider-Ham!” – Dan Slott
“MC2 Spider-Girl! Oh my god!” – Dan Slott
“You will see the Spider-Man from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon universe.” – Dan Slott
“You will see other Spider-characters from the Marvel Universe in Spider-Verse. Jessica Drew will be in the war.” – Dan Slott
“Peter and Miles remember meeting each other, but this is not the sequel to Spider-Men.” – Nick Lowe
“You will see all genders, races and variations represented in Spider-Verse.” – Nick Lowe
“You may find out that a character that is dead in one universe is hale and hearty in another. But once Spider-Verse starts, we can’t vouch for the safety of any of them!” – Dan Slott
“We don’t want to hold back on any Spider-Man we can include in this story. Anything is possible. Somebody out there read Spider-Man Fairy Tales and loved it.” – Dan Slott

A Villain’s Return:
“Morlun! Morlun will be back. We will find out he’s part of an even bigger thing.” – Dan Slott
“Morlun always kicks the crap out of Spider-Man. Spidey has never been closer to defeat than when he faces Morlun. Prior to Spider-Verse, I’d put Morlun top 10 in Spidey’s rogue gallery; following Spider-Verse, top three. What Dan and Olivier have planned is nuts.” – Nick Lowe
The Story:
“There has been a prophecy in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man and Superior Spider-Man that every spider will die.” – Dan Slott
Before Spider-Verse, we’ve got Electro, we’ve got Learning to Crawl, we’ve got Original Sin…and THEN Spider-Verse!” – Nick Lowe
“There will be epic human moments in this.” – Dan Slott
“Morlun has killed Peter Parker before. He just came back again. This is somebody who has taken his life before. He’s very aware of what a precious gift his mortality is.” – Dan Slott

“Spider-Man’s world is New York. When we go to other dimensions, we will see other New Yorks. This story has a fantasy element to it, but those other worlds are other Manhattans, and with them come the supporting cast members of those worlds.” – Dan Slott
“I wrote the story and script the Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions video game, and thought back then, ‘Why can’t we do this, but bigger?’ So I’m been working on it as far back as that.” – Dan Slott
“I can guarantee you several of these new characters will haunt comic-cons for years as cosplay.” – Dan Slott
“You will not just see group shots, you will see fun pairings on missions.” – Dan Slott
“Spider-Island was an island…this is a Spider-VERSE!” – Dan Slott
“We’ve been talking about this story for years. Everybody was quite familiar with it, and when I was walking people through Superior Spider-Man and had Spider-Verse there, they were like, ‘Wait…you’re giving this to Otto? This HAS to be a Peter Parker story.’ When you have Axel Alonso, Joe Quesada, Rick Remender, Mark Waid and all these guys telling you, ‘Trust us, this is a Peter Parker story,’ you think it’s probably the way to go.” – Dan Slott
“With Peter, it’s a completely different feeling and takes on a greater meaning. You want not just Spider-Man, but the one true Spider-Man. That’s the guy you want at the heart of this story.” – Dan Slott
“I’m now adding Spider-Kitty from Spider-Island…” – Dan Slott
“If you don’t have ‘Spider’ in your name, get out. We’ve got like a zillion cast members!” – Dan Slott
“Or maybe it should be EVERY Spider-Man EVER…plus Stingray.” – Dan Slott
To recap:
Spider-Verse will run directly in the Amazing Spider-Man title starting in issue #9 with this November by Slott and Olivier Coipel with tie-in books to be announced.
The main Spider-Verse story is six issues of Amazing Spider-Man. There will be new series launching , mini series, and more to come.
It’s EVERY Spider-Man EVER vs. Morlun this Fall from Marvel.
And here they all are in this spectacular connecting mega – cover by Gabrielle Dell’Otto

By Editor