Emerald City Comicon 2014 is just one week away. The celebration in Seattle grew like the Hulk and for the first time – is completely sold out. Karen Gillan, Karl Urban, Stephen Amell, Ron Perlman, Richard Dean Anderson and Nichelle Nichols are just some of the stars fans can meet in panels, photo and autograph opportunities. Jim Lee, Peter David, Klaus Janson and Arthur Adams are some of the comic book icons attending.
If you’re one of the fans coming to see the stellar roster of celebrities and top comic book creators here are some helpful hints to maximize your experience. By special request here’s a guide to Comicons for Virgins!
1. Have fun. Bring cash. You never know when you will find an awesome back issue or amazing print!
2. Do a little homework to maximize your con time. I have a wish list of stars and creators I hope to meet and panels I want to attend. Check out the ECCC programming guide and check with publishers like DC, Image and Dark Horse who have additional autograph opportunities and special events at their booths.
3. You know what they say about best laid plans! If you miss something don’t worry, there’s always something cool around the corner.
4. When it comes to autographs from writers/artist – know when they have panels booked so you’re not waiting in line and then they have to leave for a panel. Autographs/photos from media guests (TV and movie stars) are on a schedule and do have fees. And pay attention to instructions from the ECCC volunteers.

5. I take only a max of 4-6 books to be signed by a writer/artist. Respect the other fans waiting just like you. Don’t drop dozens of books to be signed. You can buy books new at their table usually. This is your chance to talk with the creators. If you’re going to be critical, be constructive and respectful. If the writer killed off your favorite character, don’t worry, they’ll be resurrected eventually. This is your moment with the creator but remember your fellow fans are patiently waiting for their moments too.
6. Sketches. Most artists charge a fee – it’s worth it! Ask the guys ahead of you what they’re charging. Sometimes you might catch an artist in a mood and sketches are free but most have a fee – many have already been commissioned. Even if they’re drawing they will still autograph your books. Be patient.
7. Let your geek flag fly! Don’t be self-conscious. If you want to go all out with a costume – go for it or just wear a cool t-shirt celebrating your favorite comic, sci-fi or fantasy thing. This is your chance at a second Halloween so go for it!
8. Panels – If it’s a big name star or show the expect a huge crowd so get there early.

9. Expand your horizons! This is a great time to discover a new artist, book, writer. If you’re just a superhero comic fan – why not try a crime, western or indie series.
10. A final reminder: Have fun! Bring cash! Be Patient! Respect others. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoy Emerald City Comicon or the con close to you. Come back here for cosplay pictures and coverage.
By Editor