A Favorite Moment at Marvel Pint of C.B. at Emerald City Comicon:
A fan asked if AVX will reference the old X-Men vs. Avengers series. The short answer from the panel is..no.

Matt Fraction recalled reading the original series when it first came out and said how it didn’t “fulfill” him as a Marvel fan.
“It was not what I wanted it to be. There’s a part of me that — the entire time I’m doing AvX — has been like ‘Do right by yourself as a nine year-old. Make this the book you [would] have wanted to see.’
“So you know what happens in this issue? The Avengers fight the X-Men.
“You know what happens in the next issue? The Avengers fight the X-Men.
“After that, guess what? The Avengers fight the X-Men!”
And the audience erupted with laughter and applause.