Got to love cosplayers! Sure you have the classic icons like Batman, Superman, Avengers and always lots of Harley Quinns! At Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this weekend I was thrilled to see a first of her kind – at least I’ve never seen a cosplayer honor Agent Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D.
Only fitting that the green-haired female Nick Fury of outer space appear at the Emerald City Comicon. Josh Lewis of KOMONEWS.COM captured this pic of Agent Brand with her boyfriend Beast of the X-Men. Brand was created by Joss Whedon during his run of Astonishing X-Men.
“Oh My Stars and Garters!” Indeed!
By Editor
Great article. Check out the cosplay I shot at the ECCC!
Cool stuff! Hope you had fun at ECCC! Thanks for sharing and checking out the site.
I think she prefers the term “Xenophiliac Experimentation Partner…”
Thanks for the shoutout 🙂
Excellent terminology! Always a pleasure to support X-Men cosplayers! How about next year you guys try Spiral & Juggernaut!?