Donald Sutherland will reprise his role as President Snow in The Hunger Games: Mockingay, Part One this month.
The first of the final two films based on the Suzanne Collins books pits Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and the rebellion against Snow and the Capitol.
In a new interview with GQ, the legendary actor reveals what attracted him to The Hunger Games.
“Nobody asked me to do it. I wasn’t offered it. I like to read scripts, and it captured my passion. I wrote them a letter. The role of the president had maybe a line in the script. Maybe two. Didn’t make any difference. I thought it was an incredibly important film, and I wanted to be a part of it. I thought it could wake up an electorate that had been dormant since the ’70s. I hadn’t read the books. To be truthful, I was unaware of them.”
The Hunger Games: Mockingay, Part One opens November 21.
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