courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Don Cheadle will reprise his role as James Rhodes in Avengers: Age of Ultron according to Hitfix. Will Rhodes armor up to take the place of an Iron Man gone wrong?


Cheadle wore the War Machine armor in Iron Man 2 then the Iron Patriot armor in Iron Man 3.


Director Joss Whedon says he’s going with a origin for Ultron that differs from the comic book. Ultron is an artificial intelligence who downloads into an armored body and becomes one of the Avengers’ greatest enemies.


Many have speculated that Tony Stark’s A.I. Jarvis or Tony himself will be corrupted and evolve in Ultron leaving room for War Machine to help the Avengers take down their friend gone rogue. Again, just speculation but what a great twist?


I suspect Cheadle will be back in his War Machine uniform for the 2015 movie. Marvel Comics is launching a new War Machine series in 2014.


By Editor