Doctor Who’s New Companion

Dr. Who and his new companion Courtesy BBC and TV Fanatic

  Almost time to say goodbye to Amy and Rory. The one constant about Doctor Who is new traveling companions. Jenna-Louise Coleman is the latest human to join the Time Lord on this adventures in time and space. TV Fanatic has this new photo of the actress with Matt Smith.

 No details yet on how the transition will happen but:

“Amy & Rory will leave in a final encounter w/ the Weeping Angels in ep 5. Not everyone gets out alive & I mean it this time,” Tweeted creator Steven Moffat in March.

 On a slightly different note but related to Doctor Who: Don’t miss the Imperial Dalek at EMP Museum in Seattle. The artifact is part of the new Icons of Science Fiction exhibit. The Opening Night party was a blast with classic episodes of Doctor Who broadcast on the walls of Skychurch.

By Editor



jeez, my heart stopped for a second when i read your first sentence before i realized you were talking about what has already happened. i loved the whole story line with river, amy, and rory, although that last episode was a bit off. my favorite companions are jack and donna!

Will Power

They’ve already killed Rory – I hope they get a happy ending. I’m sorry to see them go but it’s past time. Last season was way too much River Song, Amy and Rory.
I’m a big Martha Jones fan – she’s my favorite new companion.