Doctor Who Says Goodbye to Amy Pond & Rory

courtesy SFX and BBC

Goodbye Amy & Rory. The married companions left Doctor Who in The Angels Take Manhattan. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will be missed. All the previous episodes of this season have been hinting and building to the moment but it was still a bittersweet shock.

This episode was Steven Moffat at the top of his game – twisted, creepy, chilling, moving and uncompromising – we all knew it wasn’t going to be all sewn up with a completely happy ending. Matt Smith and Alex Kingston were perfection. Thank you Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill for giving us Amy and Rory.

By Editor


spoilers obviously……………………………………………………………………………..i had tears in my eyes! when rory got zapped in the end i was like “NOOOOO!!!” the tears started then and didn’t stop. when the companions have a sad departure, it really gets you! i would say this is as sad as what happened to donna but when rose was trapped on the other side of the dimensional door at the end of series 2, that was still the saddest one! now i’m looking forwad to christams, hope this year’s is better than last years. a christmas carol is my favorite so far, that was an excellent episode!

Will Power

Martha is the only smart who knew when to leave. I remember when the companions would just be tired over it or fall in love (Jo Grant, Lela) but since the reboot every companion meets a heartbreaking fate. Thanks for the reply.