Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #3 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #3 courtesy Titan Comics

The Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) has rocked out this season with a guitar and dark sunglasses after retiring his sonic screwdriver.

Now you can see the Rock and Roll influenced covers for upcoming issues from Titan Comics.

Two upcoming chapters of The Twelfth Doctor Who are inspired by David Bowie’s Heroes and Blondie’s Parallel Lines.

While the Eighth Doctor returns with a cover inspired by Bob Dylan’s Freewheelin’.

Here are the clever music variants and official descriptions of the upcoming stories:

By writer Robbie Morrison and artist Rachael Stott with album variant covers by Simon Myers.
“Chaos descends on the private Scottish school of Ravenscaur, as secrets sunk at the bottom of the bay are dragged into the light! As the Doctor investigates reports of a Tunguska-style event that shook the heavens decades previous, Clara unravels an establishment conspiracy that cuts to the country’s heart!”

“The shadowy puppetmasters behind the darkness at Ravenscaur are revealed, as the bodycount climbs and the shocking revelations add up! Can the Doctor and Clara, armed with a hundred years of secret history, triumph over the conspiracy and drive out an ancient evil?”

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #4 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #4 courtesy Titan Comics

By George Mann and Emma Vieceli with a Myers variant cover.

“Get ready for an all-new season of comics adventures featuring the Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann in the Doctor Who movie, fan-favorite minisode Night of the Doctor… and over fourteen years (and counting!) of astounding Big Finish audio spectaculars!
Five amazing, interconnected new stories take the Doctor on a rollercoaster of threat and misadventure, as he investigates the mysteries surrounding his new companion Josie. Victorian magic shows, murderous trees, lost books, crystalline life-forms, barges in space crammed with the undead… and the grand journey all begins in a sleepy Welsh town… besieged by living paintings!
Buckle up for a wild ride that embraces all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Doctor’s eighth incarnation!”

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Year courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Year courtesy Titan Comics

The new Eighth Doctor series is out now.

By Editor