DOCTOR WHO Faces Old Enemy!

courtesy BBC One
courtesy BBC One

Whovians are counting down to the return of Doctor Who! In the second half of the new season the Time Lord and new companion Clara will face an old enemy! The reptilian Ice Warriors from Mars have a new look as you can see in this image courtesy BBC One.


The Time Lord last fought the Ice Warriors in the The Monster of Peladon starring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor and Elizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith back in 1974.


courtesy BBC One

The Cybermen will return this season in a story by Neil Gaiman (The Doctor’s Wife.) The Silurians came back under Steven Moffat’s watch. I’m still eager to see the return of my favorite aliens from the old days:


Zygons! This weekend my local pbs station aired The Terror of the Zygons and I recalled how those aliens scared me as a child!


Doctor Who returns on March 30th on both sides of the pond!

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