The new Doctor Who evolution blasted off with David Tennant taking over the role. Steely yet cheeky. Tennant’s Time Lord could be a powerhouse menace against any invader who dared to threaten Earth or tear our hearts out as he crumbled over the loss of a loved one (like a companion or genetically created daughter.)
In Season Two Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) continued her journeys with the Doctor until the heartbreaking goodbye after a Dalek/Cybermen conflict in Doomsday. Dr. Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) would pine away for the Doctor for one season before Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) matched wits with Tennant for the final season. Tennant and Tate were an amazing team with perfect comic timing – essential for a Time Lord!
One of my favorite Doctor and Rose adventures was Tooth and Claw guest starring Queen Victoria, a clan of werewolves and the early origin of what would become Torchwood but for pure romantic fantasy you must watch The Girl in the Fireplace. Companions of different eras met in School Reunion featuring the return of Sarah Jane Smith (the late Elisabeth Sladen) from the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker years and guest star Anthony Stewart Head (Gilles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) as an alien headmaster from hell!
Season Three with Martha Jones kicked off with the introduction of the Judoon (gun toting alien rhinos that were the ultimate space cops) and concluded with the return of the Master (Utopia, The Sound of Drums, Last of the Time Lords.) This is the season best known for Blink – what many call the greatest episode of the modern era. Ironically the Doctor barely appears in the episode that starred a young Carey Mulligan and introduced the Weeping Angels. These Angel statues were actually monstrous aliens that could only move to attack you while you couldn’t see them so don’t blink and pay your utility bill!
After romantic sparks with his two previous companions Season Four’s Donna Noble was a comedic partner in crime with Tennant and they lit up the screen together. I really enjoyed The Unicorn and the Wasp which guest starred Agatha Christie. This season introduced Dr. River Song (Alex Kingston)who play a huge role in the Matt Smith series. Journey’s End was the culmination of the previous series and reunited all the companions, allies and even the cast of Torchwood against Davros and the Daleks.
David Tennant’s final appearances were in three specials Planet of the Dead, The Waters of Mars and The End of Time. Those final scenes when the Doctor thought he’d escaped death, then learned how his fate was sealed and his final goodbye gifts to his companions was heartbreaking and incredible acting by Tennant.
For more pictures and guides check out the BBC One site.
Doctor Who returns this Saturday!
By Editor