I know I’ve dreamed and brainstormed with fellow geeks about surviving an undead invasion in Seattle. An up and coming writer is taking this geek fantasy and created an outrageous adventure with: Fanboys Vs. Zombies.
Feuding friends with baggage reconnect at the world’s biggest comic book convention when a zombie outbreak erupts. Fanboys and girls who think they know zombie survival skills from comics and videos are put to the test in this hilarious adventure from Boom Studios.
This weekend I met writer Sam Humphries at Emerald City Comicon. I was in a geek haze when I the Fanboys Vs. Zombies cover caught my eye (I wish I had got the ECCC variant now!) and recognized his name at the booth signage from my blogging. I talked with Humphries about this project, grabbed a copy, got his signature and talked with a rising star. Humphries is co-writing Marvel’s Ultimates with Jonathan Hickman then taking over the book.
I’ve been reading that he’s the next big thing and sure enough Humphries was on Marvel’s Next Big Thing panel with Dan Slot, Jeff Parker, Rick Remender, C.B. Cebulski, Chris Yost and Greg Rucka.
Not only is Fanboys Vs. Zombies a fun read from two rising stars (Jerry Gaylord’s art reminds me of Humberto Ramos from Gen 13 and DV8 days) More selling points: this issue is only a buck! I haven’t paid just a dollar for a comic book in years! Fanboys Vs. Zombies #1 invades local comic stores this week. Grab it. Devour it. Stay alive for next month’s issue.