Avengers The Children’s Crusade comes to an end with a powerful story about identity, responsibility and what it means to be a hero. The Young Avengers deal with an ironic loss after their showdown with Doctor Doom only to experience another shocker. The young heroes proved themselves to the Avengers and X-Men but the impact of their actions drives the team apart.
This issue is an extended epilogue giving Wanda and the Young Avengers time to rethink their actions and future. I don’t think we get a complete answer about the Scarlet Witch/Doom romance and the final word on M-Day but I did enjoy how Wanda is set up for her new mission and place in the Marvel Universe.
This series is an artistic showpiece. Jim Cheung delivered with action packed panels filled with Marvel’s greatest heroes and ultimate bad guy. This issue gives Cheung the opportunity to equally show emotion and key relationship moments for these two generations of heroes. I look forward to his AvX covers.