Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1 courtesy Marvel
Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #1 courtesy Marvel

The end of Logan’s life marked the beginning for more victims of the revived Weapon X program.

Charles Soule continues their story in Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program#1 out this week.

“Barry Windsor-Smith’s “Weapon X” book was one of the primary influences for this project and I think Weapon X as a concept is fascinating. One of the two follow-up series that is being done directly spinning out of “Death of Wolverine” is called “The Weapon X Program.”I’m writing it, it’s five issues. The premise is basically “Runaways” meets “Frankenstein.”

Instead of having teenage kids who are on the run, you have experimental rejects from Weapon X. These are not super soldiers — these are people who barely made it through the program alive, and they’re basically on the run to escape the bad guys. It’s super cool, it’s super fun, it takes place two seconds after “Death of Wolverine,” so it’s like a direct sequel. There’s lots of neat Weapon X-related stuff to come,” Soule told Comic Book Resources.

Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program by Soule and Salvador Larroca starts Wednesday.

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