Rick Remender is a wanted man!
After killing two beloved Avengers and an X-Man the writer of Uncanny Avengers does it again in the final chapter of Ragnarok Now.
It was a shocking death in an epic arc that takes no prisoners.
The next act is Planet X but I’m still reeling from the finale of his second act.
Before I continue here’s a major
If you have NOT read Uncanny Avengers #17 stop reading now.
Seriously here it comes.
The Unity squad of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom faced an incredible alliance of enemies: Kang, The Apocalypse Twins and all-new Horsemen made of resurrected heroes and even a Celestial.
Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Rogue, Havok all died horribly in the brutal fights.
As I’ve said before about Remender’s work – no hero is safe.
This week Captain America was gutted by Grim Reaper.
Poor Wasp watched in horror and disbelief as Steve Rogers lie bleeding out over a gleeful Grim Reaper.
The final scene with Thor and Odin might inspire you to beg Marvel to let Remender take over the God of Thunder’s book once Jason Aaron decides to leave.
In a book filled with shocking deaths and crazy twists – Steve’s death still felt like a punch in the gut. What happens in “big event” stories happen in almost every issue of this book. Nothing is sacred. No hero is safe. That’s part of the thrill and joy of reading Remender’s work. It’s never just shock value, it’s also seeing the intimacy of friends losing friends and bravely fighting against impossible odds.

We know the fallen heroes will be reborn in some dramatic way that’s part of the writer’s long-term plan and our ride as we read.
“When you have somebody like Kang in the background, manipulating history, how much of this is the Apocalypse Twins getting one over on him and how much is him getting what he wants? He’s such an amazing character and he’s so powerful. The only thing he’s tethered to is his sense of honor. He doesn’t want to just change time and cheat,” said Remender in an earlier interview about the overall plot, “The story coming after Ragnarok Now is Kang becoming the central antagonist.”
The next arc is Planet X with Magneto, an all-new X-Force with Havok and Wasp taking the lead.
By Editor