Will Marvel’s Merc With a Mouth and writer Cullen Bunn send an army of comic book geeks into the library and save classic literature?
Maybe not but Deadpool fans with savor a series of merciless mashups in Deadpool Killustrated, the followup to Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe.
Last week Bunn unleashed Wade Wilson on Moby Dick in the premiere issue. Deadpool will target Sherlock Holmes and The Three Musketeers in the series. Bullen tells Marvel.com why these classic were ripe for a mashup with the merc.
“Some of these books are favorites, yes. And I’d be lying if I said in some cases I’m not exorcising some demons left over from my college literature courses. There were a couple of other driving forces, though. First, I wanted Deadpool’s targets to be visually interesting and exciting. Second—and most importantly—I wanted to be able to connect the literary figure to the Marvel character—or characters—he or she might have inspired. Even though Deadpool is rampaging through the works of classic literature, we get to see the connection to the Marvel Universe in a strange way.”
“There are no rules. This idea is ridiculous, I know, and Deadpool is traditionally a funny guy. But KILLUSTRATED, like KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE before it, is a horror story. No one is safe.”

From this art by Matteo Lollo is appears Wade is taking on Dracula and his vampire brides in the next issue.
Cullen Bunn begins a new arc for Flash Thompson called Toxic in Venom and will launch a brand new series Fearless Defenders next month starring Valkyrie and Misty Knight!
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