Cullen Bunn is Marvel’s go-to writer for outrageous action stories packed with humor (Deadpool, Fearless Defenders.) Cullen is preparing the grand finale to his Deadpool Killology.
The Merc With a Mouth has racked up a massive body count in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated and the final chapter of Deadpool Kills Deadpool is coming soon. Bunn talks with Marvel.com about the bloody, funny race to finish as Wade kills his way through an army of doppelgangers.
“Well, I can tell you that Deadpool will die. [I’m certain there’s a laugh here] The series thus far has featured almost more Deadpools than you can shake a stick at. So I take that with this last issue and I up the Deadpool quantity quite a bit. There are so many Deadpools at play in the final issue, I think it has to be the most appearances of a single character in a single issue. There are dozens and dozens of Deadpools killing and dying left and right. Up until the end, where we will finally get the confrontation of the Deadpool of our Marvel Universe and the Deadpool who started all of this in Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, who I’ve been calling Dreadpool for a while now.

When asked if Wade has any more killing left, Bunn says:
“My thought on it was this: Deadpool Kills Deadpool was supposed to put the final note on the “Deadpool Killogy.” This was going to be the last of the series. However, if you had asked me when I started doing Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe if I would be doing two more books that connected to that story, I would have told you “No way.” I will say, “Never say never.” This is definitely intended to be the end of the killing spree. But who knows? The interesting thing about Deadpool, is every time we work on one of these series, the ideas just start spinning out of control. The artists start sending in ideas, I start sending in ideas to the editor and I’m sure that’s the moment of dread; he sees all these strangely named emails coming in that are all ideas that have sort of spitballed out of the book we’re working on at the time.”
Watch for Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 coming later this month.

By Editor