DC Comics Chief on Wonder Woman, Sandman and Aquaman Movies

AQM_Cv0_dsDiane Nelson is The Wonder Woman of DC Comics guiding the fate of those beloved heroes and villains. The DC Entertainment Chief is celebrating the success of Man of Steel but can’t comment on a sequel or Justice League movie yet. Nelson was asked by The Hollywood Reporter which DC characters or books would she like to see on the big screen.


Sandman is right on top. I think it could be as rich as the Harry Potter universe. Fables. Metal Men. Justice League. And yes, I’m going to say it: Aquaman.”


Man of Steel is soaring. The Dark Knight Trilogy is movie history. How about the other hero of the DC Comics Holy Trinity?


Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics
Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics

Here’s what Nelson says about Wonder Woman at the movies:


“We have to get her right, we have to. She is such an icon for both genders and all ages and for people who love the original TV show and people who read the comics now. I think one of the biggest challenges at the company is getting that right on any size screen. The reasons why are probably pretty subjective: She doesn’t have the single, clear, compelling story that everyone knows and recognizes. There are lots of facets to Wonder Woman, and I think the key is, how do you get the right facet for that right medium? What you do in TV has to be different than what you do in features. She has been, since I started, one of the top three priorities for DC and for Warner Bros. We are still trying right now, but she’s tricky.”


Comic book fans can enjoy Diana in the Wonder Woman series by Brian Azzarello, a brand new Superman/Wonder Woman title by Charles Soule and Tony Daniel this fall and in Justice League.


Since Sandman topped Nelson’s list – it should be noted that Neil Gaiman is returning to Vertigo with Sandman: Overture this fall. Could be a sign?


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