Don’t call Bobby Drake the class clown of the X-Men anymore!
Bobby is more powerful than ever, dating Kitty Pryde and playing an important role for Wolverine in the Jean Grey School.
But is Bobby slipping to the dark side? Just look at Phil Noto’s cover for this week’s Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel.
Bobby has always been an omega level mutant but he recently learned to push the boundaries of his ice powers.
And let’s talk about Bobby’s love life. While Iceman and Kitty Pryde shared a kiss and date in Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men Bobby received attention from Warbird in Marjorie Liu’s Astonishing X-Men. (And how cool is it that Iceman is in multiple booksbut Bobby will never beat Logan’s record!)
This cover features Bobby as the X-Men’s Hugh Hefner surrounded by beauties like Kitty Pryde and Polaris but watch out for Mystique. It was that shapeshifter’s deadly kiss that once freaked out Bobby’s powers in stories by Mike Carey.
All of Bobby’s ex-girlfriends and lovers (I forgot there were so many!) converged in the last issue and that was just the start of what appears to be Bobby Drake’s descent into darkness!
Marjorie Liu’s twisted tale continues this week. Is Bobby becoming Dark Iceman or is he being manipulated by forces from the X-Tinction crossover?
By Editor