Update: Deadline is reporting that Fox denies is interested in a character rights swap.
Original story:
A street level vigilante in exchange for a massive alien and his cosmic herald? Daredevil for Galactus & Silver Surfer doesn’t sound like a fair trade if your role-playing but we’re talking film franchises here. Fox and Marvel are talking swap according to Variety.
Fox’s rights to Daredevil are ticking away. The studio has until October 10th to reboot Matt Murdock on the big screen or the rights to back to Marvel. Variety also reports Fox is talking with Joe Carnahan about directing a Daredevil reboot based on the Frank Miller era. According to the story Marvel will extend the deadline if Fox gives up two characters from the Fantastic Four universe: Galactus and Silver Surfer. Fox is working on a Fantastic Four reboot with Josh Trank (Chronicle.)

What could this mean? Marvel wants to use cosmic level threats like Galactus and Silver Surfer in their upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film or Avengers sequel.
Geek Question: What about Annilius? The Fantastic Four villain wasn’t used in previous FF films and plays a key role in the formation of the modern Guardians of the Galaxy? Time will tell.
Op/Ed: I still dream of a Daredevil/Iron Fist/Luke Cage team up against the Hand on the big screen after three solo smashes. Kind of a Marvel Knights movie if you will.
By Editor