Spoiler Warning:
I’ve tried my best NOT to reveal key plot points of Daredevil: End of Days #1 and #2 but I still felt like this post should have a warning.

Dark. Gritty. Brutal. Uncompromising.
Daredevil: End of Days #1 opens with Matt Murdock taking a beating from Bullseye in what could be their final showdown. Watching the relentless attack was difficult but you couldn’t look away. The creative team made you feel like you are on the street of Hell’s Kitchen watching in stunned horror.
And there’s “that” moment. I haven’t been that shocked and sickened since The Sentry ripped apart Ares in Siege.
Reporter Ben Urich is on the job for a dying newspaper. Urich is trying to write one last Daredevil story. As Urich shares his struggle to understand and share Matt Murdock’s dark days we learn of another “final” showdown between Daredevil and the Kingpin.

The art is raw: Bloody pulpy beaten faces. Dark, desperate landscapes packed with broken souls. Violent, visceral punches and attacks. This may be a story set in the near future but Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz will take you back to the old school days of Frank Miller’s Daredevil run and 1970’s crime movies.
Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack set up a mystery with multiple layers. You will leave their Hell’s Kitchen feeling down, dirty, hungry for more and wondering how the hell did Matt Murdock end up like this?
By Editor