Viking zombie ghosts, Misty Knight’s martial arts, Valkyrie’s sword play and that girl on Goddess kiss! Yes, that’s what you missed if you didn’t pick up Fearless Defenders #1 by Cullen Bunn and Will Sliney!

If that doesn’t get you running back to the comic book shop then guess who is joining the series? Dani Moonstar of the New Mutants! Marvel shared Sliney’s art from issue two in which the Dani joins Val’s crusade!

Here’s what you need to know:
Misty Knight, hero for hire and private investigator, is on a job recovering Asgardian relics.
Valkyrie is choosing a new team of Valkyrior. The new warrior Goddesses of Asgard will come from Midgard (Earth) instead of Asgard.
Dani Moonstar is a perfect candidate! The former New Mutant once became a Valkyrie (even had the winged horse) and gained magical powers after adventures in Asgard.
Dani even made a deal with the (she) Devil! Dani bargained with Hela to summon her mystical powers to defeat Ares. The Norse Goddess of Death appears in the next issue too!
Adding Dani to the odd couple of street smart Misty and noble Valkyrie could make this book’s chemistry even better!
Fearless Defenders #2 arrives March 6.
By Editor