Marvel is giving something for every Cyclops fan thanks to Brian Michael Bendis. In Uncanny X-Men it’s the Scott Summers you love to hate or staunchly declare “Cyke is Right” as he leads the mutant revolution.
Spinning out of All-New X-Men, the younger and more innocent original Scott Summers is charting out a new course for himself in Cyclops #1 by Greg Rucka. The young Scott learned his father was alive in The Trial of Jean Grey. Now Cyclops will join Corsair and Starjammers in outer space adventures while catching up on long-lost father/son time.
Marvel shared a first look inside Cyclops #1 with art by Russell Dauterman.
“I’m beyond excited for readers to see how Greg and Russell are collaborating with this book,” Editor Jeanine Schaefer told Marvel.com. “Greg is absolutely on fire, hitting every beat you would ever want from a space opera meets intergalactic road trip; and a star is born with Russell’s work here – when he’s huge people are going to be coming back to this series again and again.”
If you read the Trial crossover with the Guardians of the Galaxy you know it captured the spirit of the classic Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum era with X-Men, Shi’ar and the space pirates known as the Starjammers.

Cyclops #1 blasts off this May.
By Editor