The family reunion you’ve been waiting for!
Cyclops face to face with his son in Cable and X-Force #7 out this week!
Scott and his revolution team recruited new students away from Logan’s school in the All-New X-Men #10 and Uncanny X-Men #4 crossover by Brian Michael Bendis.
Will Scott try to lure a member of Cable’s crew to his new Xavier School?
Here’s what writer Dennis Hopless says of the Cyclops/Cable dynamic:
“They’re both arrogant tacticians who prefer giving orders to explaining themselves. Their relationship is more complicated because Scott didn’t get the opportunity to raise Nate. Cable respects Cyclops, but as a peer not a parent. And yet, nature beat out nurture in this case because Scott ended up with a son who shares his most irritating personality traits.”
This stunning Salvador Larroca cover to Cable and X-Force #7 says it all: Daddy’s Home.
This will be the first time Cyclops and Cable have reunited since Scott formed the new Uncanny X-Men. How will Nathan respond?
For more of the interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
By Editor