Batwoman #18 Kate Kane has a new partner and new role in the war on crime. Batman guest stars as a new arc kicks off. Did Maggie saw yes to Kate’s marriage proposal? What’s her reaction to the big reveal?
Captain Marvel #11 Carol faces a new version of one her deadliest foes! Ms. Marvel took on the alien operative known as Deathbird. The Shi’ar warrior was the twisted sister of Empress Lilandra and the mad D’Ken and became a foe of the X-Men. (Imagine Game of Thrones but with birdlike aliens and you get the Shi’ar! ) Who is the new high-flying villain stalking Carol?
Constantine #1 The star of Justice League Dark hellblazes into his own solo series by Jeff Lemire, Ray Fawkes and Renato Guedes. John Constantine is the amoral hero lurking in the darkest shadows of the DC Universe. What he learns in the premiere issue threatens The New 52 universe!
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #3 All eleven Time Lords are featured in this epic story celebrating the Doctor’s anniversary! Break out your magician’s cape and make way for Jon Pertwee! Could the Master be the mastermind of this episode’s cross-time caper?
Indestructible Hulk #5 Green Goliath versus Big Bad Blue! Hulk versus Attuma! Can Bruce Banner’s S.H.I.E.L.D. team stop Attuma’s frightening plot against the surface world? I love how Mark Waid writes Banner.
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