As I read Cable and X-Force #7 I had a thought about one of my favorite X-Men. Dennis Hopeless packs this issue with action, tense interactions and hilarious lines.
As bad girl Domino is breaking Colossus out of prison she tells him,”Look, I’m a big fan of yours. What can I say, big, burly and all sorts of broken. I’ve got a type.”
A sentiment shared by many girl and some guys for big emo lugs like Peter Rasputin.
The innocent Russian farm boy has had a universe of heartbreak and emotional torture over the years with deaths, resurrections, breakups and possessions.
Isn’t it about time Colossus get some…fun?
Let’s just run down this poor guy’s case:
Sister: Illyana kidnapped by demon, returns as teen sorceress, turns back into little girl then dies, later comes back and messes his mind for over a year while he’s possessed by Cyttorak and the Phoenix Force.

Girlfriend: After a brief rekindling of Peter and Kitty Pryde’s romance, Kitty became trapped in a speeding bullet through space. Magneto returned Kitty to Earth but as a permanent ghost. She later dumps Pete after he assumes the role of Juggernaut in Fear Itself in order to stop a rampaging Juggernaut.
Colossus: Pete’s sister dies then he sacrifices himself in order to find a cure for the Legacy Virus but is resurrected, looses girlfriend to a space bullet, sacrifices his soul to Cyttorak in the Fear Itself epic to stop the Juggernaut, then gets possessed by the Phoenix Force.
Pete and his renegades in Cable and X-Force were branded terrorists for a crimes they didn’t commit but Colossus turned himself in to authorities.
The conscientious Colossus feels guilt like no other hero in the X-Men.
Tortured soul? You think?
Now Colossus is never going to be as perky as the bouncy Beast from the Avengers era but isn’t time for Peter to be allowed to lighten up and have some fun? The only sex Peter ever enjoyed was during the Joss Whedon Astonishing X-Men era. Wolverine said it best after smelling it on Peter and Kitty, “’bout time.”
Could Domino be just was the big guy needs?
How about a few more bad girls to make the big lug smile again?
If Kitty can move on with Iceman then shouldn’t Colossus heat things up with a fiery female or two or three?
By Editor