Will Brian Michael Bendis reunite a fan-favorite super couple in his X-Men finale?
During a Marvel live event Bendis shared art from Old Man Logan and Uncanny X-Men #600. This milestone issue arrives in October and is the writer’s swan song on the mutant franchise.
In this page by Kris Anka, Kitty Pryde and Colossus will come face to face. After the events of Fear Itself (when Colossus became the Juggernaut) and Avengers vs X-Men (when he was possessed by the Phoenix Force) Peter Raputin and Kitty were torn apart.
Is this the moment old school fans of Kitty and Colossus have been waiting for?
Colossus eventually hooked up with Domino in the pages of Cable and X-Force and recently had a fateful rematch with Cain Marko over the Cyttorak in The Once and Future Juggernaut story in Amazing X-Men.
Kitty Pryde is engaged to Peter Quill aka Star-Lord of Guardians of the Galaxy. The couple became so popular so fast it even inspired the #StarKat on social media.
In Uncanny X-Men #33, after Kitty and Magik’s adventure finding a new mutant on Monster Island, Kitty said, “let’s go find your brother” to Illyana. Will this reunion heal the woulds between ex-lovers and estranged brother and sister?
As I confessed to the Marvel panel at Emerald City Comicon, I never imagined Kitty with anyone else but Colossus, but now I can’t see Kitty without Star-Lord. The #StarKat chemistry is undeniable. And there’s something about the brooding, honorable big guy who used to blush so easily and the bad girl mercenary with good luck power.
Do you want Kitty and Colossus back together or do you like the idea of Kitty Quill?
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