Cable and X-Force are mutants on the run as a new arc kicks off this week. Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men but he’s been recruited to Cable’s crew and look where it got him!
Writer Dennis Hopeless has taken the tortured metal man into new territory after Avengers vs. X-Men. No Kitty Pryde. No X-Men. Hopeless explains his approach to Peter:
“Colossus is definitely having the worst time of it. He’s dealing with a lot of guilt—old guilt and new guilt—and wants to atone. There’s a simple solution to all of this, but it’s tough to save the world from behind bars. Pete is torn between his guilt and his loyalty to X-Force and their mission”
Pete won’t be on the run much longer. As you can see from Cable and X-Force #6 Colossus goes to prison.
“He wants to make amends, do his time and move on from all the guilt. He likes prison in a weird way. It’s as though a weight has been lifted from his chest and he can breathe again. The only thing particularly difficult about jail is that Domino, Cable and X-Force won’t leave him alone in there.”
For more of the interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
Will Colossus stay behind bars? Will the team leave him behind?
Cable and X-Force #6 hits this week.
By Editor