Marvel announced two special tie-in issues for this year’s big event with the ominous tease:
“Before the first shots of Civil War II have even been fired, the casualties already loom large.”
The publisher announced CIVIL WAR II: THE ACCUSED and CIVIL WAR II: THE FALLEN suggesting that this conflict will not be without cost. Marvel already teased the death of a major character in this superhero showdown between forces following Iron Man and Captain Marvel.
“Like the other tie-ins that we’re doing, you can just read the core series and be fine. But for greater insight and greater nuance, these one-shots will help to flesh out some of the most important parts of the story.” said Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.
THE ACCUSED and THE FALLEN details are classified for now but Brevoort gave insight as to the top secret creative teams.
“In one instance, [a creator has] a close familiarity with a key character in question,” he teases. “In the other, a specialty related to the story in that one-shot.”
The Accused could be Maria Hill. The S.H.I.E.L.D. director will stand trial for her actions in Avengers Standoff, the creation of the Pleasant Hill prison.
These new specials are among a ton of tie-ins including Civil War II series featuring X-Men, Spider-Man and Choosing Sides, an anthology series focusing on several characters and which faction they follow.
More information on CIVIL WAR II: THE ACCUSED and CIVIL WAR II: THE FALLEN is coming on July 6.
By Editor