Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel
Chris Pratt as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy courtesy Marvel

Two of Marvel’s biggest box-office champions are going head to head in a charitable bet over Super Bowl XLIX.

The showdown evolved over Twitter with Chris Evans (in support of the New England Patriots) and Chris Pratt (cheering for the Seahawks.)

The Boston native who played Captain America is red, white and blue for the Patriots. Washington native Pratt is all-in for the Hawks.

The two stars made a wager that fans will love and will help two non-profits.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel
Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel

Here’s the bet:

If the Patriots win, Pratt will sport a Patriots jersey and make an appearance at Christopher’s Haven. a home for families while children are in cancer treatment in Boston.

If the Seahawks win, Evans will arrive at Seattle Children’s Hospital as Captain America draped in a 12th Man flag.

Both charities are winners here.

Editor’s note:

If this were strictly comics based I’d be cheering for Steve Rogers over Star-Lord but since Seattle is my home: GO HAWKS!

Thanks to Seattle Refined photographer Josh Lewis for catching the battle of the superhero stars over the Super Bowl! Lewis got to meet Pratt at Sunday’s game and will be covering the big game.

By Editor