Captain America: The First Avenger left off with World War II era super soldier waking up in modern-day New York. Marvel’s The Avengers picks up Steve’s story as a man out of time. Chris Evans reprises his role as the wholesome hero who lives by a moral code.
“Cap is struggling to find his footing in a modern-day,” Evans tells Marvel.com. “He’s a fish out of water [and] kind of stuck in his old mentality and his old ways. The jet and all the technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. and [Iron Man’s] suit–that does blow his mind, but the thing that he’s really at odds with is…the changes in society. Morals and values, and the way people interact.” With the modern age comes a new suit for the Star Spangled Avenger. Evans appears to be happy with the SHIELD made version of his iconic uniform.
“The last [suit] was…very difficult to move in,” he confesses. “This one actually looks much more like the comic book. A little toastier, but it all looks great. Doing ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ was strange because you look around and you’re the only super hero walking around. [Then] the first day on this set, Hemsworth’s in his cape and Downey’s got the armor. Just on a personal career level, the stuff I’ve been able to do in this movie…has been the most geeked out I’ve ever felt on a movie set.”
For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
Marvel’s The Avengers opens May 4th and the Captain America sequel is slated for April 4, 2014.