Catwoman #30 is the start of Race of Thieves as Selina goes against the best of the baddest.
It’s a worldwide contest to see who’s the best thief on the planet! Selina is going up against super powered criminals like the Rogues so how can she beat them?
In an earlier Emerald City Comicon one-one-one interview, writer Ann Nocenti explained how Catwoman is adapting to survive:
“She’s basically learning how to be more manipulative…more calulating. She’s upping her skills when it comes to raking, you know, lock breaking, her weaponry. She’s now got Tesla the steam punk girl that is kind of her Q you know who comes up with tech for her. So she’s gotta go to a party so she’s figuring out where on her outfit like in a dress so she ends up putting all these trip wires in her belt and her charm bracelet becomes a little bomb. She’s basically learning how to win through smarts because she doesn’t have powers. In this issue she goes up against Mirror Master and Glider and the Rogues have really insane awesome powers so she has to outsmart everybody. During the Penguin War she screwed up. She tried to expand her crime turf and the blow back was huge. People died. She didn’t really win anything. She fell down in the Gotham underground and that’s when she really learned everybody down here has more than power than me so I have to get them to destroy each other. So basically she’s become a master of pitting people against each other. And she’s learning that information is power. She’s starting her little black book (smiles)”
Catwoman #30 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor