New Lara Croft Tomb Raider Comic!


courtesy Dark Horse Comics
courtesy Dark Horse Comics

  Lara Croft has conquered the world of video games, motion pictures and now Dark Horse Comics will bring the Tomb Raider back to comic book stores in a new partnership with Crystal Dynamics™, a Square Enix® studio.

  Updates on the new series will follow the release of TOMB RAIDER, the highly anticipated origin story for Lara Croft out on March 5, 2013.

  Crystal Dynamics and Dark Horse have teamed up to create “TOMB RAIDER: The Beginning.” This will be the first installment in the new TOMB RAIDER comic book series, and is a prequel to the events in TOMB RAIDER. “TOMB RAIDER: The Beginning,” was written by lead game writer Rhianna Pratchett. 
Continue reading New Lara Croft Tomb Raider Comic!

Comic Book Picks for January 30, 2013

Hawkeye #7 courtesy Marvel, an MTV Geek exclusive
Hawkeye #7 courtesy Marvel, an MTV Geek exclusive

Avengers #4 In the aftermath of the cosmic clash on Mars Jonathan Hickman sends the Avengers into the Savage Land and explores the origin of the new Hyperion.

Batman Inc #7 Can Damian save Gotham City? The survivors of Batman Inc take the offensive against Talia and her Leviathan.

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #1 Celebrate the Time Lord’s 50th Anniversary with this brand new IDW series starring ALL ELEVEN Time Lords! The adventure kicks off with first Doctor (William Hartnell) and the giant bugs, the Zarbi!

Hawkeye #7 The Avenging Archer helps victims of Hurricane Sandy in this special issue. You can help them too. The more issues are sold the bigger check writer Matt Fraction will write to help the recovery effort.

Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 courtesy DC Comics
Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 courtesy DC Comics

Injustice: Gods Among Us #1 The story that gets you ready for the upcoming video game starring DC Comics’ greatest heroes and villains from the makers of Mortal Kombat.

Invincible #100 Which path will Mark Grayson choose? Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley celebrate 10 years and 100 issues.

By Editor


UNCANNY X-FORCE Team Breakdown


Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

   Uncanny X-Force reloads this week with a new creative team pulling the trigger! Psylocke takes command and recruits Storm, Spiral, Puck of Alpha Flight and Cluster. Sam Humphries and Ron Garney take over after an acclaimed run by Rick Remender. Humphries and Editor Nick Lowe revealed the battle plan as the squad faces a old friend in the first arc.

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine has been the leader of both recent incarnations of the team. Humphries will tell how the title will pass from Logan to Psylocke.

“Something develops between Wolverine and Betsy that kicks off the whole formation of the team. He’s moved on to a new era in his life. That’s a story other people are telling. Despite that, there’s something about X-Force and what it represents that Wolverine will always respond to; not just the killing, but being an outside and on the fringes.”

“Even though this is a new era for X-Force, we’re not ignoring what has come before. Where Betsy is in her life is one of the strongest threads we pick up from Rick (Remender). She’s not satisfied with her life. Her and Storm have a lot to bond over. She’s a survivor on a lot of levels. I’m fascinated by all the changes she’s gone through in Rick’s run, to explore those and put her front and center. It’s her time to shine.”

Over the years the X-Force concept has evolved to fit the changing Marvel Universe.

“Taking the last idea and morping into something new is the X-Force tradition, from the 90’s to Pete Milligan and Mike Allred to Craig Kyle and Chris Yost to Rick. I’m excited to present stories from the mutant end of the Marvel Universe you can’t find anywhere else. This is a new line-up, a bunch of characters in a complex web with a complex history really together for the first time exploring the dark shadows of the Marvel Universe that don’t get touched on in Uncanny Avengers or All-New X-Men.”

“In a world where Rogue and Sunfire are Avengers, where Wolverine is running a prep school, there still has to be a dark side to this bright world.”

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

One of the biggest shocks from the teaser poster is Storm’s new “old” look. Ororo is sporting her Mohawk again. She hasn’t worked a mohawk since the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith/John Romita Jr era. Humphries explains why he went retro with Ororo.

“I will take full credit for the return of Storm’s mohawk. I have more knowledge of the X-Men than I do of the United States. I am an old school fan. It’s a dream to not only be on an X-Men book, but one where I can touch on stuff we haven’t seen in awhile. The first time Storm had a mohawk, it was about the transformation she had been going through, coming down from the goddess pedestal. The mohawk is a symptom of the transformations in Storm’s life. She’s now going through an even bigger transformation. She was a goddess and a queen who got unceremoniously dumped, in my opinion. The future that she banked on is no longer there. Her family in the X-Men has changed. None of her friends are the same. She has to redefine herself and get back to the core of who she is.”

The new roster is full of tough women…and Puck?

“Puck has been a lot of fun to write. My biggest surprise,”

“Puck will be a breakout character,” added Editor Nick Lowe, “What Fantomex was to Rick’s Uncanny X-Force, Puck will be here. This isn’t a little guy who bounces around like a bowling ball, he’s a force to be reckoned with. This is a heroic take on Puck.”

Spiral was created by Ann Nocenti in the Longshot limited series then joined the Brotherhood (and most recently Sisterhood) of Evil Mutants. Spiral and Betsy share a long twisted history as both victims of Mojo. So why is Spiral working with X-Men?

“The hero of anybody who has played Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Spiral is front and center in Uncanny X-Force. She’s a deadly fighter from a crazy sci fi world. She’s trapped on Earth and needs to come up with a way to survive life on the fringe. She can’t be an Avenger, she can’t got to the Jean Grey School, she can’t join up with Cyclops; she doesn’t belong anywhere. She needs to decide where she’s going to be, which puts her on a collision with Storm and Betsy, and longtime fans know Spiral and Betsy have a long unpleasant history. The two of them spending more than 10 seconds together without drawing blood is a challenge. She’s been a villain, a great villain, but you’re going to see anew side of her. She’s a victim of Mojo, like so many others. We’ll see a little bit more of a grey area in Spiral.”

The first enemy this new X-Force will face is former X-Man Bishop.

“How and why Bishop comes back will have a huge impact on the team. It’s a situation they can’t walk away from. Bishop is such a great character who has had so many roles. I’m excited to take him on after he’s been gone for two years our time, stranded in the future. He went to great lengths to try to murder a little girl because he believed it was the right thing to do. Having failed to do that and coming to terms with the fact that maybe he was wrong is going to change a man. We’re going to see a Bishop who at his core is the same person, but who has been through a lot since we’ve last seen him.”


Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Ever since Messiah Complex the new X-Force has done the dirty work, wetwork and covert missions the other X-Men shouldn’t know about.

“How these characters feel about killing and black ops and their place in the Marvel Universe will be affected by the end of Rick’s run and where we begin here.”

“This is the book where we go to the dark places in the Marvel Universe. Sam calls it Mission Impossible or James Bond if it were directed by David Lynch,” said Lowe.

Uncanny X-Force #2 courtesy Marvel

“Of all the books that have Uncanny in the title, this one will be the Uncanny-est of them all. If the X-Men are feared by mankind, Uncanny X-Force deals with the stuff that’s feared by the X-Men.”

Earlier teasers made it seem like Psyocke would lead the team but Humphries says that role may change.

“In my mind, Psylocke is as strong in the Marvel Universe as Wolverine or Rogue or Storm. Who’s calling the shots? That’s an open character. We’ve got at least one other character on the team with leadership potential in Storm. They’re friends, they’re both working through things and changing. We’ll see.”

“Gender, race and nationality are all things we thought about when making this team. It’s a team of outsiders. But then again, it wasn’t any sort of affirmative action. It’s about the team dynamic and previous relationships.”

Uncanny X-Force #3 courtesy Marvel

There are two X-Force teams in the Marvel Now. Will this team interact with Cable and X-Force by Dennis Hopeless?

“As far as my team is concerned, they are the ONLY X-Force team. If these two teams ever intersect, it’s gonna be heavy! Dennis Hopeless smells!” said Humphries, “Right off the bat, you’ve got Cable leading one team and Bishop fighting the other. Those two cannot be on the same planet in the same year without trying to beat the crap out of each other. Let’s just say those two have unfinished business.”

For the entire liveblog here’s the link.

Uncanny X-Force #1 blasts into comic book shops this week!

By Editor


Wil Wheaton! Now It Really Feels Like Comicon!

Actor, author, gamer and geek icon Wil Wheaton will return to Emerald City Comicon, March 1-3, 2013 in Seattle. Wheaton played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation and has been a voice actor on several popular video game franchises plus recently appeared on The Big Bang Theory and Eureka.

I will always remember Wheaton as Gordie from one of my all-time favorite movies: Stand By Me.

This is Wheaton’s 6th consecutive year as guest of ECCC. Wheaton’s ST:TNG co-star Patrick Stewart is making his first ECCC appearance this year.

By Editor

HALO 4 Midnight Madness

Photo by Joshua Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

Hundreds of fans lined up for the midnight release of HALO 4. My awesome collaborator and HALO fanatic Josh Lewis captured the midnight madness packed with cosplay at the Microsoft Store in Seattle.

Photo by Joshua Lewis courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

You can see more of Josh’s photographs at KOMONEWS.COM.

Congrats and enjoy HALO fans.

By Editor


Injustice: Gods Among Us image courtesy DC Comics The Source

  Excitement is building for Injustice: Gods Among Us! The DC Comics/NetherRealm video game features icons of the DC Universe. This latest trailer shown at the Tokyo Game Show (courtesy Comic Book Resources) features the current cast of Justice League and Nightwing in his classic blue costume. Soloman Grundy and Catwoman (upgraded with armor) delivering nasty punishment. Take a look:

Injustice Gods Among Us hits April 2013.
By Editor

PAX Seattle

PAX 2012 photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

  PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) brought tens of thousands to Seattle! The celebration included arcade games, video game tournaments, concerts and incredible cosplay.

PAX 2012 photo by Josh Lewis, courtesy KOMONEWS.COM

  Here are just some of the amazing photos by my frequent collaborator Josh Lewis of Seattle Pulp and KOMONEWS.COM. You can check out more at KOMONEWS.COM.

By Editor

Attack of the PAX!


Pax cospay and pet photo by Josh Lewis, Seattle Pulp

  Pax Prime has come to Seattle! Gaming lovers have united in my home city to celebrate! One of the Emerald City’s best photographers (and ComicsBlend collaborator) Josh Lewis is capturing all the cosplay and craziness! Look for Josh’s pics on Seattle Pulp this weekend! Grrrrr!  

By Editor