Marvel Infinite Comics


AVX Marvel Infinite Teaser courtesy

  A mystery posting on today heralds the debut of Marvel Infinite Comics. The image ny Stuart Immonen starred Nova blasting through space and showing the Avengers Vs. X-Men branding. Here’s what they teased:

“Join the Revolution.

It’s coming to the historic Marvel: House of Ideas panel Sunday, March 11 at 1 PM on the Arcade Stage presented by IGN at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, TX. This show is free and the public!

Stay tuned to and for more details on the Marvel: House of Ideas panel and Marvel’s plans for SXSW!”

This Geek’s Opinion:

This is definitely a digital comics push but could this focus be on Marvel’s cosmic characters only?

My first thought “an exciting new way to enjoy comics” but I have to admit I also thought “so it’s not enough I have to buy an untold number of issues but download more to get the entire AVX storyline?”

Avengers Maria Hill First Look


  Fans got a brief shot of Cobie Smulders as SHIELD agent Maria Hill in the new The Avengers trailer. revealed two photos showing Agent Hill ready to support the Avengers Initiative. The Avengers debuts May 4th.


 Smulders (known for How I Met Your Mother) plays the tough, resourceful agent supporting SHIELD Director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson.) Brian Michael Bendis created Hill in his New Avengers run. Hill became head of SHIELD and ally of Iron Man during the Civil War storyline.

John Carter & Marvel Comics

Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins in Disney's John Carter

  I’m excited for Disney’s John Carter. Some lucky fans got be see a Q & A with director Andrew Stanton hosted by Geoff Butcher of Hero Complex. What I share with director Andrew Stanton is our early love of Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter began with Marvel comics*. Stanton tells why the pre-teen boy in all of us can relate to John Carter of Mars.

  “When you’re 10 or 11 years old, and you’ve discovered girls, but they haven’t discovered you yet, and you’re reading about this ordinary guy that’s suddenly extraordinary on another planet, he’s got the coolest best friend, the coolest pet, and he’s winning the heart of the most beautiful girl in the universe, that’s like a checklist of everything you’ve ever wanted,” Stanton told the audience.


John Carter Warlord of Mars #1 courtesy Marvel

“My gateway drug was the Marvel comics of John Carter,” Stanton said. “My friends were drawing these four-armed creatures with tusks, and I said, ‘What are those?’ And they said, ‘Those are Tharks. This is Tars Tarkas,’ and then they threw the comic book at me. … By the time I was in high school finishing [the books], my girlfriends would call them my romance novels.”

Watch the entire interview here.

The legendary Marv Wolfman and Gil Kane created John Carter: Warlord of Mars back in 1977 for Marvel comics and ran for two years. I remember collecting these along with the Star Wars Marvel comics and my first Uncanny X-Men books.

Marvel is publishing new comics based on Edgar Rice Burroughs tales as prequels and sequels to the upcoming movie.

‘The Hunger Games’ Expectations

  Hollywood is buzzing over The Hunger Games like the Capitol erupted over the fiery arrival of Katniss in the book. According to studies the movie is on track to open to $70 million + and that’s bigger than Twilight according to Deadline.

  Here in the Emerald City fans are buzzing over The Hunger Games tour bringing Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson to Seattle’s Microsoft Store at University Village on March 10th. I wanted to share the latest information  from U Village if you want to be part of this big opportunity.

Here’s the schedule:

7am – Fans will be permitted to line up outside the Microsoft store.

9am – Wristbands will be handed out to the first 100 people for private in-store signing and VIP access in the Q&A area (parking lot in front of the Microsoft Store).

10am – Fans will be permitted access to the Q&A area; Q&A is free and open to the public.

2pm – 3:30pm – Private signing at the Microsoft store with the stars of ‘The Hunger Games’. Please visit the Microsoft Store for details.

3:30pm – 4pm – Q&A with the stars

Good luck!

John Carter Fights for Mars

  The new John Carter trailer ramps up action, reveals more of the enemy and how the Earth man (Taylor Kitsch) becomes a hero on Mars. When you see the trailer depicting the world Edgar Rice Burroughs created you realize what an imagination the legendary writer had and how he influenced so many other writers. Before Stars Wars and Avatar a man from Earth became a warrior hero on Mars. Mark Strong has played the villain many time and this looks like another great performance.

For more behind the scenes videos here’s the John Carter YouTube Channel link.

AVX: My Comic Book Shop’s Launch Party!

courtesy Marvel

  I know where I’ll be April 3rd at 8pm and I know which Marvel team I will stand with!

  Earlier this week Marvel revealed new promo art and announced that more than 1,100 comic book stores are having Avengers Vs. X-Men launch parties.

  I have been shopping at Zanadu Comics in Downtown Seattle since I moved to the Emerald City 14 years ago. I was thrilled when Perry told me Zanadu will stand with….The X-MEN!

  I love you Avengers but I’ve been loving the X-Men longer.

Ewan McGregor in Seattle

  One of my favorite actors, Ewan McGregor, is in Seattle to promote his new film, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. McGregor stopped by Fisher Plaza for interviews with Scott Carty. You can hear the story today (along with my Comics Blend segment) today on The Buzz on KVI from 1-3pm and you can see more on KOMO 4 First News at 4pm. I kept my cool and did exclain “Obi Wan!” or ‘Christian” for the Moulin Rouge fans! He was extemely gracious and charming. Great stories – you should definitely tune in. Thanks to Mitch Cook for sharing the photos.

Superman’s Birthday?

Superman by Jim Lee courtesy DC Comics

  Here’s why the Superman Hompage says today’s the day to celebrate The Man of Steel’s birthday!

 “Why February 29? Editor Julie Schwartz declared that Superman’s birthday was on February 29th in a number of letter pages during the Silver Age. Supposedly this is how Superman stays looking so young, after all he only has a birthday every four years!

 In 1985’s “Superman Annual #11” his birthdate is mentioned as being February 29 in an actual story. While “Time” magazine published a story in 1988 that also stated this date as being Superman’s birthday.

 Oddly enough, Clark Kent celebrates his birthday on a completely different day. Clark’s celebrates his birthday on the day Jonathan and Martha Kent pulled him from the Kryptonian rocketship that landed in Smallville. This was established in “Action Comics #241″ in 1958, and was specified in “Action Comics #263” in 1973 as being celebrated on June 18th.”

 Thanks to Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster for giving us a great hero. Thanks to Richard Donner and Christopher Reeve for bringing Kal-El to the big screen. Happy Birthday Superman and thanks for all the inspiration.